Thursday, May 14, 2020

Stolen orchids

Around the corner, a little up on my block, there is an old house. It has a big tree out the front, just outside their driveway, and in the little nook where the branches 'branch off', a large orchid has grown and stuffed the area full. It does not look very healthy but it has been there for a long time.

This house used to have an old shed in this spot, but they took it down.

So, on my morning walks lately, I have been helping myself to little bits of it, in the hope that they will grow on my own trees.

I have the cuttings, with roots, resting in buckets of dissolved Thrive as a starter. Not sure it's the right thing to do, but it looks so starved of nutrition that I thought about 24 hours of sitting in there, or maybe just 12, might help kick them off and grow again.

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