Monday, September 21, 2020

Another change to work

 Well everyday since I got this job, I have hated teaching and being back in the classroom.

So, I have an even further reduced timetable, after parents (or rather spoiled kids) complained about me, for no reason other than they are spoilt children, and the school has a practice of giving in to students. I don't care, less work is great for me. I have become the school's in-house relief teacher. Study Hall supervision works fine for me - all care - no responsibility.

At the end of Term 3, one lady was making a video to promote their coming musical. I said I would appear in it, and here are some shots. I hate them of me (fleshy face, big nose, black top), but they are fascinating too. I almost don't know this person.

A year later, 21 Sept 2021 - I felt so fake in those shots and yet they are also part of myself. The real me felt fine, whilst those at the school were trying to make me feel different or bad. I am so glad to be out of that unhealthy environment. They are not normal at that place.

I have fallen on my feet at another school, and there are no problems. They were just spoilt cliquey kids at WestMac.

Garden effect trying to create


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Big pigface

 17 - 19 Sept 2020: Grabbed shoots of this from around the neighbourhood - happy to see it flowering! Recent drops of rain have helped, I believe. Such a thrill to see the closed bud open to such a huge pink daisy!

Garden pics this morning

 I raked up fallen leaves, trimmed the golden cane palms, and tidied. It all looked pretty and clean in the morning light. The lawn is just starting to show a bit more green, after two light rains over two nights.

Teenie sleeping

 My girl sleeping near her Mama as I caught p with programmes on iview last night.

Dancing ladies new season spikes Sept 2020 - Feb 2021

 So lovely to see these survive another year!

18 October, 2020 - First spike of a new flowering, only on one plant though, alas, so far.

23 Oct 2020 - Progress! Some flowers are appearing.

29 Oct - 

31 Oct - 

20 Feb 2021 -  latest spike:

New season crepe myrtle buds, Oct 2020

 So thrilling to see!

Sept 25, 2020 -

October 11, 2020 - we have loads of leaves!

Port Wine Magnolia

 This one in a pot has flowered! I'm thinking that is in deed a good sign. Once it becomes a tad bigger, I will put it in the back garden. I have a place in mind.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Taffy's burial

 The yard all ready for her.

Thurs 17 Sept: I picked her up from the vet just before 12. I buried her at around 12 noon, and scattered beautiful flowers, and sweet wine, over her body, wrapped in plastic bags from the vet.

Her mate from next-door was there to say 'vale'.

I covered her place with a lovely rock marker, and flowers from the garden.

I'll wait for it to settle and then will plant a tree there.

My darling girl.

19 Sept - 

Ideas for make-overs and organisation

A leaf in the shed floor

 This wasn't intended but I do like that it matches the theme of my place. I noticed it last Saturday when I was hanging things up in the shed.