Monday, September 21, 2020

Another change to work

 Well everyday since I got this job, I have hated teaching and being back in the classroom.

So, I have an even further reduced timetable, after parents (or rather spoiled kids) complained about me, for no reason other than they are spoilt children, and the school has a practice of giving in to students. I don't care, less work is great for me. I have become the school's in-house relief teacher. Study Hall supervision works fine for me - all care - no responsibility.

At the end of Term 3, one lady was making a video to promote their coming musical. I said I would appear in it, and here are some shots. I hate them of me (fleshy face, big nose, black top), but they are fascinating too. I almost don't know this person.

A year later, 21 Sept 2021 - I felt so fake in those shots and yet they are also part of myself. The real me felt fine, whilst those at the school were trying to make me feel different or bad. I am so glad to be out of that unhealthy environment. They are not normal at that place.

I have fallen on my feet at another school, and there are no problems. They were just spoilt cliquey kids at WestMac.

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