Friday, October 1, 2021

Soil for the retaining wall

I bought some garden soil to be delivered by Sapar for the back garden, behind the retaining wall, to level it off. When it arrived, the driver told me there was more than a cubic metre there which was great and very generous of them as I need more for the fill.

This is where it is for - pity to cover the lovely nasturtiums but I'm hoping they will grow through, and I will buy more seeds from Bunnings.

To my surprise, Jeanette and Bernie helped me shovel it from the pavement to the back garden! So grateful to them.

We just dumped it in heaps for the moment. I will straighten it out after it is all loaded. We had to stop part-way as it started to rain hard.

I also used some for the gap in the soil here at the entrance, beside the carport.

Also here, where I had removed the bricks, and to fill the gap.

Just a pile at the moment, while it is raining. Will be smoothed out asap.

The smaller pile left for tomorrow, when the weather clears.

This morning, I managed to smooth it out as best I could, given it was wet and heavy. I think the nasturtiums will come through. It was so pretty having a bank of them growing along there.

I made a little path from the left-over brick pieces so I could get up the stairs from the shed and driveway.

And now the smoother over area hear the retaining wall looks good. I will wait until it settles more before I fill it with more soil.

It already looks better having the back section levelled off. 
My concern now is that any heavy rain will not build up to much behind the wall, putting pressure on it, nor that any water will drain under the wall and into the shed.

Here's the other two outer areas, looking better filled in.

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