Thursday, January 16, 2025

Mulch and more mulch

Arose at 5.15 this morning to get more of the mulch pile lifted into the garden, in piles so I can flatten and spread it out later. Just as long as it is off the sidewalk. It is a huge pile but I am keeping going, distributing it round the garden.
I know that I can only do about 2 hours at a time, not rushing myself. My body is not as supple as it once was, and this will probably be the last time I can do a big-pile mulch lift. If the trees take another 9-10 years to grow back big, then it will be 10 years until I have a big mulchy pile again - and I will be 76. I will not be able to do the physical labour at that age. I am already aching! So...I'll keep going. Noticeably, absolutely and as usual, NO help from family, at all.

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