Saturday, February 13, 2016

Big brown pots

This is what I have done with them (and the extra frangis and bird-of-paradise plants) for the time being.

Jeanette said I should ensure the frangis have their roots in the sun as they prefer that. I think they're doing fine so far, but will, later, raise them onto another plastic pot so they are a bit higher to the rays.

Only one of the pots has holes in the base for drainage. I will have to drill into the other one at some stage, to create holes. I started to collect all the awful stones and bits of concrete that were lying around in the yard, by putting them in the base of the pot with the holes. I thought they would be useful drainage assistance, eventually. But I am so sick of all the bits, there are millions of them still, all over the yard, that I just want to throw the lot out, and remove them completely from around me!

However, I noted with interest on a 'caring for hibiscus' site recently this information:

Old, broken tiles or pots, coarse clinker ash, and rough pebbles may all be used for drainage and covered with a layer of ashes or gravel which will act as a filter to prevent soil blocking the holes. 

No one took care of the garden before and I'm doing my darnedest to turn it into a paradise.

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