Saturday, February 13, 2016

Counting coop

This coop I bought for too much money is really disintegrating fast. It really does not have so many months left to be of assistance in sheltering the feathered girls.

I keep a piece of plastic over the top as sort of help during rain, but it really won't keep the chooks warm during the winter. Not sure yet what I am going to do to help them stay warm outside there.

When my neighbour and I were transporting this thing, bought second hand, the nesting boxes flew off! I use one of the plastic litter boxes as a nesting box now. It's inside the hutch under the flap seen above.

In this rudimentary hutch-cage arrangement is one of the nesting boxes, with an egg in it, from today's produce. I have at least 6 eggs in the fridge currently, and am happy that the girls are laying two eggs a day (between them).

I love that they are laying! Bought them some extra pellets today and mash. I was concerned that were always hungry but they appear to be happier with the more substantial pellets. Fuller crops!

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