Tuesday, October 31, 2017

You Foodz

Recently purchased a selection of these to see how they go, in terms of using them, and being satisfying meals.
Above: Quite salty, and I would prefer the chicken pulled and blended into the rice. The cheese sauce was delish.
 Above: Coconut Curry Bowl -  not enough pasta, needed 'beefing' up with more pasta or green lentils. Sauce was quite free-flowing and I would prefer it thicker.

I gave these to Mum and John, to try:
John tried the above, and apparently did not like them. They look fine to me and I will give them a try another time.
Mum was not overly keen on this although I had a mouthful or so and liked it well enough. They do not think they will order any.

The Tassy Salmon is best eaten fresh - I had nine a few days in the freezer and then defrosted. Not so good - edible but not really great. It also needs the sweet sauce over it, but I would rather the salmon was freshly fried.
The Katsu Curry was good tasting, but I wanted some green in there - sure one could add it, but I would prefer some peas for colour aesthetics.

Lazy girls

Tiina in the morning sunshine: 28 Oct

Taffy in her favorite chair

Cats need recharging!

Tiina lazing about.

Taffy on da bed.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

View of tidy garden

I have put so much work into this garden. It would be a shame if the extensions did not come about.

New leaf on swiss cheese plant + updates

I bought this online and thought I might have been sent a dud plant, and that it would never send up any mature fronds. Today, however, I saw there is one unfurling!

It hasn't grown much. As at 23 Jan 2019: 

Oh yes






Saturday, October 28, 2017

Walking iris

Bought this at the market, and here it is - flowering in the front section! I hope they spread!

Such pretty colours match with the purple agapanthus, when they flower - and there's a bulb on one of those already! 

Left - iris ; right - agapantha

Front garden after mowing

I am so proud of creating this.

Tree wisteria + update

I planted this quite some months ago, and for a while, thought it might not grow. However, I am thrilled to note new shoots on it this Spring, and I'm encouraging it on it's way. Recent heavy rains helped, I think. The plan is to get it to grow over a pergola, or posts holding up a shade over the car, or the like.

6 Nov 2017: I added a higher stake this morning as it seems to be taking off!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

I just want to garden all the time

Above: 27 Oct 2017

Above: 26 Oct 2017

How long I have to live (supposedly, based on 'averages')!

I'm managing to pay the mortgage and stay where I am, so far.

The plants and trees especially have grown and are growing.

My pets are well enough.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Latest me

Out for coffee with Mum and John. Oh those frown lines...

Time for a couple of oleanders? John's Garden #4

Saw this beautiful white oleander this morning, and have investigated taking cuttings so I can grow it as well. Maybe. As they are toxic, I am a bit nervous regarding the cats although I haven't noticed them chewing on any sticks or anything.

For John's Jungle area.

I took some cuttings of the tree near work last night, and here they are, in a vase. I'm trying to get them to strike.

Update 30 Nov, 2017:

I bought two oleanders from the local market. It seemed a faster way to get some growth going. Not sure what I will do with my strikings - maybe put them on the roadside out on the verge, and perhaps next to the cassia when I plant it at the back (plan to come).

Planted the ones I had bought this morning - 

Monday, October 23, 2017

May bush

I bought and planted a May bush yesterday.

It comes from China! It flowers in May in the northern hemisphere, and in Sept-Oct in the southern (here).

Front and back latest 23 Oct + update 30 Oct

New little plants and palms in. Another rainy day.

Swept and tidied as far as poss, considering the rain and mess it makes.

Lovely sunshine!