Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Coconut Ice Bougy No 3 + updates

Trying again - this time, NO WHIPPER SNIPPERS NEAR IT!

Same position in the garden. Hope this time something comes of it.

Apparently this is an Asian variety (Malaysia, Singapore) and the name means 'ice cream'!

UPDATE 18 April 2018: It has finally and reassuringly taken off, and is looking quite nice at the moment, though still a very young plant. And only white flowers at the moment, with the barest hint of pink. Maybe it needs to be more mature, or needs some nutrient to display its colour?

It's quite big now, some die off I noticed - wondering whether it is being eaten, but otherwise other sections look healthy.

26 Nov 2018:
It seems to be growing quite well, especially at the top, and weaving its way into the tall pink hibiscus.

22 May 2019: Thoroughly enmeshed with the other plants along the fence.

28 May 2019 - It has grown a great deal, and is looking lovely.

8 Sept, 2019 - we have had a big dry spell, still ongoing. The boug 3 is doing well though not much pink to be seen (just touches, mostly white).

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