Monday, September 3, 2018

Pruned the grapevines this morning

At the back access walkway of my house I am growing Dirk's vines. This is their second Spring season in my garden.

I had no idea what I was doing, but I clipped away all of what I considered to be 'new wood', after hearing once that it is from the 'old wood' that the new growth happens. I certainly noticed lots of new furry nubs at nodes along the stems.

I clipped off the smaller stalks, and also removed the leaves from last season and some new tiny grape bunches, as I thought they might take the nutrients away from the regenerating vine itself, so early in the season.

Not sure if that was the right thing to do. I need to study more about this. Maybe different vines need different strategies. I don't even know which type of vine this is (yet)!

I left two stubby 'old' (2 years max) original branches, hoping they might sprout again. They look somewhat odd just sticking up there but..I didn't know what else to do. We shall see. A bit of trial and error going on here! I will watch some youtube videos to learn a bit more.

7 Sept 2019 - Inspected the grapevines, and there are no longer any buds or shoots. 
I think I may have pruned off the bits where this year's fruit would have come from, in my pruning error. No sign of anything happening at all at the moment. Maybe I will just get some leaf which is fine by me this year. Next year, I will keep some new wood, and not trim it all off.

11 Sept 2019 - I think I see some swelling buds! I hope so...

17 Sept 2019 - New swellings on vine #1,

and definite leaves springing out of vine #2!

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