Monday, November 19, 2018

Ficus #4 (in the crack at the back) + updates

So this is just about dead, but I am trying to resurrect it at the back. It would be great if it grew up there and held the fence together, as well as generally improving the look of the back area there.

 1 Dec 2018: A little growth - 

2 April, 2019:
Looks a bit better, like it's growing more

Here's both...

5 April, 2019: Started to appear as if it is taking off....

20 April, 2019: Growth is happening!

4 May 2019:

4 June 2019 -

13 July 2019 - She seems to have responded well to drinks of diluted Seasol this week. I have moved the bracts around, so that they face the tin fence - that's where I want it to cover. I will have to continue directing it that way.

2 Sept, 2019 - 
This has been slow growing, without rain and I have been forgetting to water it.

20 Sept 2019 - 

10 Oct 2019 - I can see small leaves attaching to the concrete wall. I do so hope it does, and begins to climb all over.

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