Monday, November 19, 2018

Staghorn elks + UPDATES

Not sure which these are but I have managed to rescue them for now, but keeping in a bucket with moisture. They really need to be on a tree somewhere - I'm waiting to find just the right spot. I'll have to give them some nutrition somehow. Perhaps a light dose of seaweed juice.

4 March 2019:
Have put them in the ficus creeper on the back fence. They have gone through quite some experiences, where they nearly expired, but it looks like they might survive now. There are a couple new leaves.

13 July, 2019 - they died right out, but appear to have re-shooted, and I am considering moving them to a more sheltered position, out of direct sun. I have also given them a drink of diluted Seasol this week, so that might help!

25 Sept 2019 -  some months ago, I moved her to the poinsiana tree where she seems to be ok. I spray her often with moisture.

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