Tuesday, January 1, 2019

End of December (31st) activity in 'John's Garden'

Managed to drag the big roll of black plastic around to the front garden, and to cut it into sizes to cover this area. What a job.



Bit of a mess, but it will look fine once I rearrange the white bits again.This is how it will look (slightly incomplete in this though) -

to this...

There's a bit of work to go on yet, not the least to buy more plants to suit the job.

The foreman on the job! Tutti keeping me company!

18 May 2019 -  I decided to remove the plastic, as it had deteriorated in the sun. It was a messy, dirty job, but it's now gone, and I will be back to whip-snipping that part of the garden again, until the murrayas grow bigger.

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