Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Day BBQ, 2019

Another blazing hot day. Mum and I went to Mass at St Mary's at 9am. Notable how many Indian familes and Phillipinos were in attendance. 50/50 with ye white Aussies.

I had already been up early, and wiped down the tables and chairs that we might dine on at lunchtime. As the weather was so hot, it was touch and go whether we would eat outside on the red wire table I had prepared.

I had worked hard the night before, to clean and tidy the rest of the area, and make sure the twinkly lights looked good. There is a great deal more work needed on this space, but for now, I made it look the best I could. More money is needed to do it faster!

The verandah looked pretty and twinkly too.

 I commandeered an old screen to try to make some privacy from the street. It will stay out there until it rots now. Only cost me $10 on Facebook Marketplace, so I will get rid of it when the lattice goes up and/or when it rots and looks foul.



The barbeque, which I had also bought cheaply on the marketplace did not light easily, so we gave it a miss, and I ended up frying the sausages and marinated chicken using pans in the kitchen!

We had a good enough time. Chaddy-Waddy had even been inside! He bailed up the kitties in my bedroom at one stage, but overall was a very well behaved doggy.

I'm going to grow my hair longer this year.

Overall, it was quiet but pleasant. Definitely had to be inside as the heat outside was so fierce - 33 C.

They went home about 1.30 pm, as lunchtime wine and beer made everyone tired, as did full stomachs. Nigel said he enjoyed himself.

I definitely want to entertain more. It's just that I would love to remodel the house to make it all so much easier.

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