Thursday, July 25, 2019

Pulled out the passionfruit, just keep the calliandra there

Had a day off to sort out Nigel and Mental Health. Sold some items on Facebook Marketplace.

I pulled out the rest of the passionfruit vine, gathering the last of the fruit and in its place, espaliering the beautiful calliandra red pom-pom against the fence. I want it to fill the space. I'm not sure whether the passionfruit will grow back. I have spread a bag of horse-poo around the base, as they say they need it, and I thought the vine had died.

Big pile of passionfruit vine mess to mulch.

30 July, 2019 -

7 August, 2019 - 3 pom-poms in a row. So pretty.

9 August, 2019 -

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