Thursday, July 25, 2019

Star jasmine re-jig + updates

I had a tiny star jasmine in the front (John's) garden, which did not grow at all.

I've moved it around to the back. Not sure if this its the best position but for now, it will do.

I've given it regular waterings, and it seems to be sprouting again as we near another Spring. I want it to overflow, but perhaps as a preferred ground cover, it should be lower, to spread about?

7 Sept 2019 -  baby jasmine flowers!

14 Sept 2019 - 

21 Sept 2019 -

It rained all night - how beautiful does she look?

25 Jan 2020 - She has reached the top of the pole! Almost time to arrange her draping over and down.

29 Jan 2020 - she is reaching and will soon droop over!

2 Feb 2020 -  and here she is, poking well above the pole!

And look at this one gone wild, thick and high at the school I now work at! (around a pole).

12 Feb 2020 - 
The rain continues - so good to have 2 weeks of rain after such a long period of drought.

5 March 2020 - She has really taken off and is looking so pretty already. 
I am enjoying the thickening up of this plant.

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