Monday, August 24, 2020


 I remade the bed (fresh sheets) yesterday, and decided to add the single yellow eiderdown. The yellow reminded me of Stephanie's favorite colour in The Chateuax Diaries, which I am binge watching at the moment. Love all of it, although sometimes her giggly laugh annoys me some.

I love my bedroom. One day, I would like to extend it out a few feet beyond that back window, have french doors in their place, the bed to the left side, and a dressing room/walk-in wardrobe as part of the space. With the honeymoon table and 2 chairs and my 2 seater sofa in there as well. Dream big.

The Chateaux Diaries in Order HERE via Youtube.

Typical morning scene, with the girls all cuddled up beside me.

1 Nov 2020 - 

Earlier bedroom pics - 

Sept 5, 2017

Sept 17, 2017 - 

Other bedroom (for guests) - 2 Nov 2020 - 

4 Nov 2020 - 

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