Monday, August 24, 2020

The pile of dirt

 My aim is to shovel most of this onto the higher level of the garden, so as to make it fit under the retaining wall, and to level it off. It's going to take some time to do, but as they won't be building the shed for a couple of weeks, if I keep at it, I should be able to complete the job.

25 August 2020 - bit more shovelling done. If I do a few hours per day, or even one, it will all happen. The kitties are enjoying rolling on the concrete, and chasing loose stones around on the flat surface.

I'll have to move the vegie beds so that the dirt can be spread over that 'lower-level' edge of the garden.

Update - moved some of the veggie beds yesterday morning and it did make it easier to shovel the dirt around. Here's the beds standing upright until they can be relocated. Things are going to look worse, before they look better.

I think I will espalier the fig tree against the back of the shed, with wire lattice/trellis.

29 Aug 2020 - The pile is slightly less daunting. I attacked a bit more of it today and will do some more in the morning. Hopefully it will be mostly spread inside of 2 weeks.

31 August 2020 - I did a bit of shovelling and raking after work. The pile is slowly whittling down!

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