Sunday, March 20, 2016

High biscuit - IN

John dug the hole this morning and we transplanted this hibiscus into the ground. I wanted it in front of the gate, as it is not a gate I want used. I'll have to set about wiring it closed. The other gate (on my address side) has a gate which whines whenever it's opened - that noise is a useful warning for one someone is coming, and the other double gates are the driveway entrance.

So, this is in. I hope it grows tall and strong as the pink flowers are gorgeous and the position is close to the tibouchina. Together, they will provide a lovely 'block' of vision from the road, giving me more privacy.

Being so exposed (to the main road) as I am at present is a real trial. It's also a reason why I strive to keep the garden neat and tidy (apart from the fact that I like it that way). I couldn't bear 'certain types' to go by thinking 'aha, an unattended garden could mean an unattended house', leading them to break in and steal stuff. That's why I like to be visibly outside doing things, and the company of John and Bernie now and again assists with the impression that I am not on my own. One has to be so careful, especially in certain locations.

The address side gate -

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