Sunday, March 20, 2016

I moved the bougainvillea #1

This (in the red circle, in pic) is the first bougainvillea, the el cheapo one ($4) from Bunnings. It 'died' during last winter, then came alive again when summer arrived, and alas has not done much since I planted it next to the passionfruit vine in the garden.

Perhaps, as I always water the p'fruit, it's too wet for the bougy? They prefer drier ground.

So, I moved it today. Next to the honeysuckle (left of it, in these pics). I will be moving the honeysuckle too as it is doing not-very-much where it currently is. The fence might be too hot for it to climb. I reckon the front side fence (facing Jo, my neighbour) might be the place for it to go.

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