Sunday, March 20, 2016

Things that make me happy

Next door's (Andrew and Tracy) poinciana flowering over my garden - a gorgeous thing.

My kitties, sitting in a row, waiting for me to feed them this morning. They like to do things in unison.

The feathery girls who keep me company in the garden, and who make me laugh everyday.
Thanks for the googs, too, girls! I gave 6 to Janette and Bernie, and 4 to John this weekend. At two eggs a day, I can't eat them all myself. And thanks for your poop - the garden loves it.

The view from my kitchen window. Not too shabby, hey?

Simple pleasures! I am so fortunate to have this piece of land, the big sky, fresh air and space around me to grow things. Next project - winter vegies.

Update 21 October 2016: My kitties sitting in the sun before I leave for work!

Tutti and Taffy

The girls sleeping around the place:

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